semua yang ditulis disini adalah berupa pengalaman/cerita/informasi kehidupan pribadi/orang banyak, ada yang menghibur ada juga yang engga penting, namun tetap bisa dibaca (jika ingin) :D
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Thank's God!!!
Makasih ya Allah...
Allahu Akbar...
[P.S: I Luv you So much, San... Makasih udah mau berjuang!!!]
Friday, 12 December 2008
Setelah ini apa???
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Love you!
T'vie sayang Sandri...
Ibu, Papah, juga semuanya sayang Sandri...
Luv u so much dear...
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Amanti Beybh
Ndak apeu lah... toh sesuai dengan wujudnya! hehehe...
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Aku Percaya Kamu-D'Massive

Aku Percaya Kamu
Aku Percaya Kamu
Tak Perduli Apa Yang Orang Katakan Tentang Kamu
Chorus :
Yang Kutahu Kau Selalu Sejukkan Hatiku
Yang Kutahu Kau Selalu Ada Di Saatku
Membutuhkanmu Kau Selalu Ada
Disaatku Rapuh
Aku Percaya Kamu
Hidup Ini Takkan Berarti Tanpa Kau Disisiku
Aku Percaya Kamu…ooo…
Kau Takkan Pernah Berhenti Tuk Selalu Mencintaiku
Back To Chorus:
Yang Kutahu Kau Selalu Sejukkan Hatiku
Yang Kutahu Kau Selalu Ada Di Saatku
Membutuhkanmu Kau Selalu Ada
Disaatku Rapuh (2x)
Disaatku Jatuh
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
1. Kelindes mobil,
2. Ibu ngomel2 ajah,
3. Beib sensi (masa iya sih dia PMS???)
4. Lum juga gajian (selalu dan selalu seperti ini!!!)
B. yang bikin HAPPY di minggu ini:
1. Ketemu beib, walopun cuma sebentar (AMAT-SANGAT-SEKALI)
2. Akhirnya dikasih uang ma ibu {[alopun ndak seperti biasanya :( ]
C. yang V pengen di minggu ini:
1. Ketemu beib
2. Belanja,
3. Creambath,
4. Keluar kota
D. yang V nggak pengen di minggu ini:
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Kudu Sabar
Sunday, 19 October 2008

Sebuah adaptasi sinema dari novel fenomenal LASKAR PELANGI karya Andrea Hirata, yang mengambil setting di akhir tahun 70-an
Hari pertama pembukaan kelas baru di sekolah SD Muhammadyah menjadi sangat menegangkan bagi dua guru luar biasa, Muslimah (Cut Mini) dan Pak Harfan (Ikranagara), serta 9 orang murid yang menunggu di sekolah yang terletak di desa Gantong, Belitong. Sebab kalau tidak mencapai 10 murid yang mendaftar, sekolah akan ditutup.
Hari itu, Harun, seorang murid istimewa menyelamatkan mereka. Ke 10 murid yang kemudian diberi nama Laskar Pelangi oleh Bu Muslimah, menjalin kisah yang tak terlupakan.
5 tahun bersama, Bu Mus, Pak Harfan dan ke 10 murid dengan keunikan dan keistimewaannya masing masing, berjuang untuk terus bisa sekolah. Di antara berbagai tantangan berat dan tekanan untuk menyerah, Ikal (Zulfani), Lintang (Ferdian) dan Mahar (Veris Yamarno) dengan bakat dan kecerdasannya muncul sebagai pendorong semangat sekolah mereka.
Di tengah upaya untuk tetap mempertahankan sekolah, mereka kembali harus menghadapi tantangan yang besar. Sanggupkah mereka bertahan menghadapi cobaan demi cobaan?
Film ini dipenuhi kisah tentang kalangan pinggiran, dan kisah perjuangan hidup menggapai mimpi yang mengharukan, serta keindahan persahabatan yang menyelamatkan hidup manusia, dengan latar belakang sebuah pulau indah yang pernah menjadi salah satu pulau terkaya di Indonesia
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Please somebody help me!!!!
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Sunday, 27 July 2008

Tristan Thorn (Charlie Cox) is the son of Dunstan Thorn and a captive princess called Una. The couple met only one night and fell in love instantly. Unfortunately, when Tristan was born, she was not allowed to keep him and instead sent him to live with his father. She put in his basket a "Babylon candle", and a letter to Tristan explaining everything.
The story then jumps eighteen years to Tristan as a young man, in love with the prettiest girl, Victoria (Sienna Miller) in a small English town (Wall Village). He is desperate to bring her a newly fallen star by her birthday as that is the only way she will agree to marry him. He uses the candle to fly to where the star landed, which is not in England but a magical land called Stormhold. But then he discovers that the star is not what he expected. It is actually a beautiful, immortal and spirited woman named Yvaine (Claire Danes). Despite this, Tristan is determined to marry Victoria and uses a silver chain that his father obtained after trying to free the princess to take Yvaine to England, promising to use the last of the magic candle to take her back to the sky afterwards.
However, Tristan is not the only one seeking the star. Yvaine is in terrible danger because the living sons of the King (Peter O'Toole) are looking for her because only the jewel that she carries can secure the throne to one of them. Septimus, one of the princes, later finds out that a star's heart grants immortality so wants to devour her heart so that he can rule the kingdom forever. Additionally the three witches known as "The Lilim" — Mormo, Empusa and the eldest and the most powerful, Lamia (Michelle Pfeiffer) — want her because they want to recover their beauty and eternal youth.
As Tristan sets out to protect Yvaine and bring her back to his beloved at the other side of the wall his journey brings incredible encounters with the pirate Captain Shakespeare (Robert de Niro) and a shady trader (Ricky Gervais) among others. Yvaine and Tristan fall in love - Yvaine confesses her feelings to Tristan after a witch named Ditchwater Sal turns him into a mouse, Yvaine not realizing that he can still understand her.
After being changed back into a human Tristan is too woozy to continue the journey, and the two stop at an inn. Tristan tells Yvaine that he returns her love. While Yvaine sleeps, Tristan cuts a piece of her hair and goes back to England to tell Victoria that he no longer loves her. However when he tries to give Victoria the hair he finds that it has turned into stardust, or rock. He realizes that Yvaine cannot enter England and stay in human form and hurries back to the other side of the wall to find her.
Unfortunately, he arrives too late. Una, having seen Yvaine solemnly head towards the wall, races to warn her. Lamia, too, heads towards the wall. The princess stops Yvaine just in time, but Ditchwater Sal, who's been keeping the princess captive, attacks her and drags her back to the cart. Lamia confronts Sal and kills her, which sets Una free. However, Yvaine and the princess are both captured by Lamia and taken back to The Lilim's castle, Yvaine to be killed and the girl to be a servant. Tristan meets Septimus at the castle, and the two decide to attack the witches together. Septimus is about to attack Una when he sees that she is his sister, daughter of the King of Stormhold (the ghosts of the other six brothers are delighted to see her). Tristan, with the help of Septimus, manages to defeat Empusa, but Lamia kills Septimus, and Tristan is forced to fight the prince's animated corpse and witches alone. Tristan defeats Mormo and the animated corpse of Septimus, and then confronts Lamia in a fierce battle. During the battle, Lamia nearly kills Tristan, but Yvaine, now knowing that Tristan really loves her, is able to unleash a powerful wave of light that disintegrates Lamia. Tristan picks up the jewel that Yvaine's been carrying, and becomes the next king of the land of Stormhold as it is restored to ruby red, with Yvaine at his side as queen. (Una was the king's daughter, making Tristan the last male heir.) It is stated that the two will live forever since Yvaine "gave" him her heart when she fell in love with him. After several generations pass, the two lovers use another Babylon candle that Una gives them to return to the sky, where they become twin stars. And they still live happily ever after.
Saturday, 26 July 2008

Enchanted is a 2007 musical film, directed by Kevin Lima and produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Josephson Entertainment. It premiered on October 20, 2007 at the London Film Festival before it was released on November 21, 2007 in the United States. The film, both homage to and a self-parody of conventional Disney animated features, makes numerous references to Disney's past and future works, and blends live action filmmaking, traditional animation and computer-generated imagery. The plot focuses on Giselle, an archetypal Disney Princess who is forced from her 2D-animated world of Andalasia into real-life New York City.
The film heralds the return of traditional animation to a Disney feature film after the company's decision to move entirely to computer animation in 2004. Composer Alan Menken and lyricist Stephen Schwartz, who had written songs for previous Disney films, produced Enchanted's songs, with Menken also composing its score.
Starring Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey, James Marsden, Timothy Spall, Idina Menzel, Rachel Covey, and Susan Sarandon, the film was well-received critically and garnered two nominations at the 65th Golden Globe Awards and three nominations at the 80th Academy Awards. The film also proved to be a commercial success, earning more than $340 million worldwide at the box office.[2] [rewrite from]
Sunday, 8 June 2008
In Sabda Alam
Thursday, 5 June 2008
mu soal kerjaan, keluarga, pertemanan, sampai percintaan... hahaha... apa sih yang V harapkan? MERDEKA!!! yah, mungkin... tapi, gimana caranya? yang namanya hiup harus dijalanin kan? ngak seru juga kalau kita menyerah gitu aja! bener nggak sih? lagian mungkin ALLAH swt, tahu banget kalau V nggak sanggup menjalani hidup berliku2 atau yang masalahnya dasyat! yah, secara... yang sekarang aja ngeluhnya udah seabreg, apalagi kalau cobaannya dasyat?! wah... jangan deh.... :)
thank's God to loving me...
thank's to everyone loving me...
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
Monday, 28 April 2008
The Tarix Jabrix
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Guy in Reality Show

Yah, biar nggak penasaran aja ya… V coba deskripsikan tuh cowok sekemampuan V. Kalau ternyata ada yang nonton dan nggak setuju dengan deskripsi yang V ungkapkan, karena hasilnya terlalu berlebihan, mohon maaf deh… mungkin karena V kebawa emosi aja kali yah?! Haha…
Anyway, cowok itu tuh punya senyum yang maknyus! Nggak bisa dibilang menawan, tapi giginya itu loh… PUTIH. Ukh, bikin sirik aja nih! Secara gigi V mah semi PUTIH. Huehehehe… Hm, ikan hiu, ikan cucut. Yuk lanjut! Nah, tuh cowok punya body yang gede nggak, kurus juga nggak. Sesuai idaman V lah. Hoho… Terus, orangnya nggak putih (sesuai idaman V juga), tapi item juga nggak! J Dia tinggi, dan… rambutnya CEPAK! Dan ada satu hal yang mengingatkan V sama Moth. Jadi dulu Moth pernah bilang ‘ma V kalau dia suka gemes kalau ngeliat cowok yang punya tahi lalat di atas bibirnya. Nah, tuh cowok punya tahi lalat di atas bibirnya. Nggak tahu kemakan omongan Moth, nggak tahu emang tuh cowok udah mantep mukanya dari sono, yang jelas mata V jadi ogah ganti channel! Hahaha… Zina mata nih gue! Astagfirullah…
Itulah ciri-ciri tuh cowok! Hm, mengingatkan V pada tiga cowok sekaligus. Pertama, V jadi inget sama Eki. Kenapa? Karena (ehem!) Eki cowok yang menurut V sempurna (kalau dicocokin dengan tipe cowok idaman V loh!). Kedua, V jadi inget ‘ma temen sekelasnya Uwi zaman kuliah dulu. Lupa namanya uy! Aris apa Ardy yah? Apa justru dua-duanya salah yah? Hehe… lupa uy! Nah, kenapa V bisa inget tuh orang? Itu karena tuh orang (kalau nggak salah) punya tahi lalat di atas bibirnya. Dan yang ketiga adalah Mario Kahitna. Loh koq Mario Kahitna? Iya jelas V inget dia, soalnya suaranya ngebass gimanaaa gitu, mirip Mario Kahitna.
Yah, beruntunglah untuk cewek yang dia sayang. Jadi cemburu! L Hwehehehee…
Kesimpulannya, V bukannya senang dengan tuh acara reality Show, tapi senang karena lihat cowok ganteng! Whuehehehe…
Monday, 7 April 2008
Mommy : Get Married!
Sister : Find a new Job!
My new Head Master : be Teacher!
I pick adviced from my new Head Master. Did I fals step??
Friday, 4 April 2008

And another bad news are… I am bankrupt! Huaaaa… (not really bankrupt off course!)
Why I have not saving my money up to the present time? Do you have a solution for me???
[my prayer at this week: “… Jangan butakan hati menjadi cinta yang semu…” (Sherina-Jalan Cinta). I hope God always opened my heart to find my soulmate immediately. Yeah, I was 21 years old and… my Mom keep pushing me to find marriage partner. Find a marriage partner isn't easy! Damn! It is more difficult than find a job]
Friday, 7 March 2008
Hah... besok libur nih! Kemana yah? Papah ke Pangandaran, Sandri ada kencan. Masa iya pergi ma Ibu lagi??? Tapi itulah V, mun gada gawe, perginya ma Ibu. hehe... tapi emang ada niat sih mau pergi ke pasbar cari kain. Duh, ibu-ibu banget yah si gue ini?! argh...
Anyway,V udah dua kali bolos les nih. Wah... pasti Mr. Wendy nyariin [ye... PeDe!], maklum, V belum bayar les untuk bulan Maret niy. hehe...
[kayak mau pidato yah?]
Duh, bener2 euy sayah teh udah lama banget nggak isi ini blog. meuni kangen pisan yeuh!
Kumaha damang? sehat semuanya? hehe...
Alhamdulillah V sehat.
Wow, bingung nih mau nulis apa. Oh ya, sekarang V jadi Ibu guru loh. haxhax... Sebenernya sih bukan guru mata pelajaran, tapi Pustakawan di SDN Cigadung. tapi taulah, namanya juga anak-anak SD, mana ngerti profesi Pustakawan, taunya ya IBU GURU. makanya, jadilah neng revi ini tuh dipanggil Bu Guru [Pake cantik pula! haha... bangga binti narsis gini!]
Parahnya lagi nih... mulai tanggal 12 Maret ntar V jadi Guru sementara selama sebulan untuk ganti seorang guru yang mau PPL. Ngajar apa hayoo??? Bahasa Inggris dong! secara gitu yah, orang yang udah tau V luar dalam, jelek bagusnya, pasti nggak percaya V dikasih kepercayaan untuk mengemban tugas sebagai guru Bahasa Inggris. Secara dari SD sampai lulus kuliah V benci yang namanya Bahasa Inggris. kumaha atuh ya??? Tapi tenang... piraku atuh hey V nggak bisa bahasa Inggrisnya angka2 atau yah yang masih basic lah. lagian yah teman2... V private Bahasa Inggris loh! haha... hal yang tidak mungkin aku lakukan bukan? tapi ternyata aku lakukan... kenapa? karena V dapet hidayah dari 4JJI swt. untuk belajar bahasa Inggris, jangan malah benci bahasa Inggris dan malah uang untuk les bahasa Inggris V pake untuk les bahasa Jepang. hihi...
Ah, lumayan panjang juga nih blog. ampe v bingung mu nulis apaan lagi.. (^,~)